Prime Minister Erdogan Peaceful Solution Between Turks and Kurds.

An amazing development towards a peaceful solution between Turks and Kurds is happening now in Turkey.  Led by Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan.  I have known Mr. Erdogan for almost 20 years.  When I met him in 1992 he was a leader of Istanbul’s Refa Partisi (The Welfare Party).  At that time it was a small party which had little influence on Turkish politics.  I have been a guest of his movement in Istanbul and I was amazed with the organization that I observed in the men and women of this group.  I was convinced then that in the near future Mr. Erdogan would be the leader of Turkey and I expressed that to him.  His response was “hopefully, with God’s will and the will of the Turkish people.”  In Istanbul Mr. Erdogan started organizing the men and women.  He became Mayor and now Prime Minister.  For many years I have looked close into his political views and compared his achievements to his predecessors.  I strongly believe that he has done an amazing job and he is one of the most trusted leaders in the civilized world.  His work to bring more democracy in Turkey and bring the Kurdish people the rights they deserve is very encouraging and the world should stand up and support his efforts.  The war between them has done no good.  More than 40,000 people have lost their lives. The time has come for peace and all decent people on this planet want to see peace between the Turks and Kurds.  The question of peace as a universal value needs to be faced with extreme intellectual honesty, sincerity of spirit and an acute sense of responsibility to oneself and to the nations of the earth. I would ask those responsible for political decisions affecting the relationships between North and South, between East and West, to be convinced that there can be ONLY ONE PEACE. Those upon whom the future of the world depends, regardless of their political philosophy, economic system or religious commitment, are all called to help construct a single peace on the basis of social justice and the dignity and rights of every human person. Terror is in the human heart. We must remove this from the heart.
Destroying the human heart, both physically and psychologically, is what we should avoid. The root of terrorism is misunderstanding, hatred and
violence. This root cannot be located by the military. Bombs and missiles
cannot reach it, let alone destroy it. Only with the practice of calming
and looking deeply can our insight reveal and identify this root. Only with the practice of deep listening and compassion can it be transformed and removed. Darkness cannot be dissipated with more darkness. More darkness will only make darkness thicker. Only light can dissipate darkness. Those of us who have the light should display the light and offer it so that the world will not sink into total darkness. Sahit Muja Albanian Minerals NY

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